Sick of the same old travel website?
I’ve scoured the web to find the hidden gem travel sites that will save you money and elevate your next trip!
AutoSlash helps you save on car rentals by searching multiple sites and loyalty programs
Travel Arrow browser extension reveals secret hotel names for Priceline's Express Deals and enhances Google Flight searches (hat tip to George Kamel!)
FlightsFrom lists all direct flights from a given airport, helping you discover quick and easy travel options
Hichee saves you money on Airbnb bookings by searching for the same property on different booking sites and through reverse image and title searches
Wiki Voyage provides comprehensive destination guides, including neighborhoods, history, transportation, and must-watch movies
Nappr allows you to rent hotel rooms in blocks of 4 to 10 hours for rest and relaxation during hectic travel days
Rome2Rio and Citymapper help you explore transportation options beyond Google Maps, comparing various routes and providing detailed public transit information
Got a favorite travel site? Let me know!